What is this world we live in?
What Happened with it?
What Happened To us?
What Happened To The freedom and security?
What Happened To The World that was full of peace
What Happened To The World We lived on, one with nature?
What Happened To The World We Use to know?
What Happened To The World We Use To see as a child
What Happened To The World We Use To Have?
I don’t recognize it anymore.
Questions and Answers
The Golf Links
The golf link lie so near the mill
That almost every day
The laboring children can look out
And see the men at play.
Is this brief poem satiric? Yes, because the men are the ones who are using the golf balls are playing infront of the the labor children.
Does it contain any verbal irony or is the poet making a matter-of-fact statement in words that mean just what they say? Yes, he is saying how the children watch as their hard work is played with by people higher up in money and socal status in the world then they are.
This poem dates before the enactment of legislation against child labour. Is it still a good poem or is it out of date? I believe that it is still a good poem. It reminds us of how it use to be and why we should never let child labour happen again.
Taylor, I like your use of the repetition in your poem. It certainly reflects the confused state one would feel if everything has changed.